Riyadh Mohammed Mohsin Shreef

Media Psychology and the Coming War of Minds -

by Riyadh Mohammed Mohsin Shreef

Modern media, its various means and uses, are a feature of the era and the focus of interest of institutions and individuals with their different affiliations, goals and intended purposes through this use, as well as messages that target (hearts and minds first, for the purpose of influencing them and changing patterns of thinking, behavior and general orientations, creating a new value and moral environment within the mind of the recipient, shaking established constants and beliefs, and creating a state of internal conflicts between the inherited and the acquired “within the standards of upbringing and cognitive accumulation and between the huge flow of information, ideas and visions that make the mind of the recipient live in a cycle of conflicts and a state of doubt, fear and future anxiety begins on all levels through the huge media engines that pump these messages that are mined and hidden under multiple and different cloaks and are divided between hidden and exposed messages that are made with high craftsmanship and technology and deliberate care to target soft and not soft minds, and many of them involve the intention of waging wars called psychological and political wars or wars of the minds, which are old, but their mechanisms and tools are renewed with the renewal of the revolution Contemporary technology and thought.